"In my next life I want to live my life backwards. You start out dead and get that out of the way." -Woody Allen


The Bechdel Test

Today I learned.. that in 1985 a woman named Alison Bechdel developed a benchmark for movies called the Bechdel Test. In order for a film to pass this test, it must include a conversation between two or more female characters about anything other than men: picking up dog poop, washing cars, family issues, literally anything aside from men. You’ll be surprised to find the following movies have failed this test: Avatar, The Entire Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Social Network…

Read More: http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/29j1V3/www.filmschoolrejects.com/features/10-famous-films-that-surprisingly-fail-the-bechdel-test.php

Why Siri Is A Google Killer

It’s now been a couple of weeks since Siri debuted as part of Apple’s (AAPL) 4S.  The response from most people has been very positive.




Read More..http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/2viAJ9/www.forbes.com/sites/ericjackson/2011/10/28/why-siri-is-a-google-killer/

Your Man Did What?

Oh No He Didn’t!

Today I learned.. That nice guys will choose to ignore the women they are attracted to.

A topic among women ages 14-95 is the oh-so-repetitive phrase of “why did he do this???” It’s true ladies, we may not be able to get into this minds, or make them remember  things, or truly understanding why saying you are going to call someone should mean YOU WILL CALL THEM, but thanks to a very close friend of mine, Susan Walsh, author of the Blog HookingUpSmart http://www.upload.ee/image/1779672/beyonce-looking-crazy-on-stage.jpg she describes, discusses, and answers all of the unsolved mysteries of men. It’s more than just a chat & bash, it’s a very helpful and extremely detailed blog which decodes why men and women can’t seem to coexist.

Also, here is a link to the Top Ten Songs to forget about your Ex: http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/64011456.html  compliments of one of my favorite gossip blogs: ONTD